Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm late, I'm late!!

My commute to work is honestly, a block. So you'd think I'd get there early right? Umm, yah, about that. I get up well in advance, take the pup out and give myself enough time to wake up. So where does all my time go? In the washroom getting ready. Now, you've seen some pics of me going to work, I'm not that dolled up, I don't know enough about makeup to use that time to be extravagant. So, how is it that when I walk out of the washroom, I'm running late?!

It's a huge, I finally decided to get a clock for the room. But, I didn't feel like spending any money on it. So, I shopped the house. I had this sweet little clock above the cabinets in my kitchen, you can see it here.

I grabbed a chair, took her down and put her on the existing shelf in the washroom. She fit in perfectly!

I have some other "orange" touches in the washroom so I think it fits in well.

A couple of dollar store candles sit in my essential caddy on the counter.

I am so pleased! And it was totally free!! LOVE that!

~ Marcia

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