Thursday, January 28, 2010

What may this Be about?

I have always wanted to add a decorative letter B in honor my hubby's last name. I have seen some great ideas and came across this gorgeous little framed B I found during my sisters visit.

We stopped at my local Kirklands. They do not dissapoint! Just look at this beauty.

Although I am leaning towards a country cottagey look, I just couldn't pass this one up. Hang on, let me zoom in on the best part, the price.

$7.99!! Boy was I doing a little happy dance!

Now, to find the perfect place to hang it...

~ Marcia

1 comment:

  1. Hello Marcia~thanks for stopping by my blog. Love having new visitors and you are welcome back anytime. Great price on your "B". Our Kirklands closed at the local mall but it was a great place to shop. Also, your "Dad" mug is wonderful!! I would love to have one for my Mom and Dad. Your blog is great so I am now a stalker....ahhhh, I mean follower! LOL!


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