Thursday, January 28, 2010

What may this Be about?

I have always wanted to add a decorative letter B in honor my hubby's last name. I have seen some great ideas and came across this gorgeous little framed B I found during my sisters visit.

We stopped at my local Kirklands. They do not dissapoint! Just look at this beauty.

Although I am leaning towards a country cottagey look, I just couldn't pass this one up. Hang on, let me zoom in on the best part, the price.

$7.99!! Boy was I doing a little happy dance!

Now, to find the perfect place to hang it...

~ Marcia

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A cup full of memories

This past weekend we were fortunate to have my family come down for a visit. We did our best to pack as much fun as we could in 2 days but the best part, was just being with them.

It also gave me the opportunity to give them their Christmas gifts. Many of you know that my dad passed away a year ago next month. So it was important to me to make him a part of Christmas. I personalized each mug for both sisters, each with photos of them with my dad, my dad with their respective kids, etc. They were a huge hit and I was thrilled. Of course I had to make myself one as well.

I apologize for the glare on this shot.

So at each morning coffee, I visit with my dad, relive some of my favorite memories, and see his smiling face.

~ Marcia

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflection of a serving tray

It's raining steadily in my neck of the woods. Cool and damp. A perfect day to remain indoors.

And cook. A big pot of chili.

And clean. My great grandmother's serving tray.

It was dark, and stained, and sad. A few rounds of Wright's Silver Cream, I purchased at Walmart for less than $4.00, and the tray is as beautiful as I am sure it was when my great grandmother owned it. You can even see her initials engraved in the center of the tray again..

I even used it on a silver plated serving tray I got at Goodwill for $1.99! It is shiny and beautiful and looks gorgeous.

I love stay at home Sundays.

~ Marcia

Monday, January 4, 2010

A new resolution

Do you make new years resolutions? I have made a few which I hope to accomplish this year. One of which is to take some time doing the crafts that I enjoy, but somehow always put off. So during the New Years weekend I tackled something on my to-do list from last year! Cinnamon's water dish. It was gorgeously made, but the wood was unfinished and she, being the messy drinker that she is, wound up with water stains on her nice dish stand. So, finally settling on paint and style I wanted, I went to work. (Please forgive me, I forgot to take before pics)!

Anyway here's how it turned out.

I painted it white to go for a cottage-y feel and added a silver metal crown for the princess that she is. :)

Update: Since this photo was taken the crown has fallen off. Apparently the wood glue I used doesn't stand up to well to water. Ah, but it hasn't seen the last of me, I think I will try to nail it back on. There's just a small enough hole that it may just work. Wish me luck!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome 2010! How I have longed to meet you. Your predecessor was not kind nor a gentle acquaintance. I hope we get off on the right foot. I do hereby wish that we become great friends, and navigate this great new world we call life, together, not always seamlessly but respective of one another. I wish to be able to tell you my dreams, my worries, my goals. I hope that although we begin this new year as strangers, we end it close friends!

I pass along this wish to all of you! Wishing you a fabulous, healthy, happy, New Years!

I hope I may burden you with a quick question? When you visit my blog, do you see a background, or is it simply white? The strangest thing happened, I got a new computer and for the most part my background is missing, except for one square space. Do you see that too??

Thanks for your info!
~ Marcia