Thursday, July 2, 2009

A birthday recap and a Happy 4th of July!!

We try to make a great deal about birthdays around here, despite that we haven't been children in a long while! Hubby is great at giving me a full day of "me" on my birthday. A day where I get to choose where I want to go, what I want to do and where I want to eat. For my past three birthdays in the US, he's even taken the day off work to celebrate my birthday with me, because I would've spent the day alone. Ain't he sweet? Well yesterday was his birthday, I didn't take the day off work (it would've been unpaid), but I did ask him where he wanted to go for supper. He insisted that he didn't want to go anywhere because today he had to get up early for work. Instead he just wanted to go to Rita's. Do you have a Rita's near your place? I haven't seen it anywhere but Pennsylvania, but already I am in love! It is so very good. They have great Italian Ice, and custard creams. So after I get off work, we head over to Rita's only for my sweet, indecisive hubby to say that he'd rather go out to eat! I had told him that I would've taken off of work early to take him out but instead worked till 8pm, but he had changed his mind so off to a late dinner we go. His choice, Red Lobster. I must say, it was a good choice! He promptly ordered the most expensive thing on the menu, the little stinker! We don't typically do that but for birthday's its a no holds barred.
So we came home, a little late and a lot full but I do believe he had a happy birthday!

One more day to go then we're off for a 3 day weekend! Is that a collective sigh of relief? Ah, I live for 3 day weekends. We're trying to find out what to do in our area for the 4th. I looove the 4th celebrations. Finding great rummage sales while a parade goes on behind you. The whole town comes alive in a "carnival" like setting. I feel very fortunate to be apart of the celebrations. My adoptive home puts on a good show ;) My MIL got me this cute little pin to wear on the 4th. I can't wait!

Wishing you guys a safe and happy holiday weekend!
~ Marcia

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great birthday! We have Rita's but I've never been to one. We will. I hope you have an awesome long weekend and have fun on the 4th!


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