Monday, June 29, 2009

A weekend wedding

Hubby and I drove 2 hours to attend his friends wedding. The clouds were threatening a strom on our drive to their wedding.

I believe these gorgeous creatures are Eagles, my eyes saw four of them, my camera, two.

We had to take this little steep road to get up to the golf course.

We got there a few minutes late and were told to wait back, as the procession line was beginning its entrance. Then a few more minutes another woman came out and told us to hurry along in they hadn't started walking out yet. Just as we began our walk down the wooden walkway, who do we cut off, but the grooms parents! They were so sweet and told us to go on ahead. The entire wedding watched as hubby and I walked down their "aisle" to their wedding march! We were mortified! But thankfully they took it all in stride.

I won't post pics of the newlyweds, as I'm unsure how they would feel about that. But here is hubby and I on our way back home. To attend a wedding and not know a single person besides hubby, it was a really good time!

So, how was your weekend?

~ Marcia

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Favorite finds

I thought I'd share some simple pics of some of my favorite finds. The rummage Gods have not been as kind to me so far this season, but Cracker Barrel and Christmas Tree Shops sure have! LOL. This cute little wreath was $6.99!! Please excuse our door, its a bit beat up from previous owners!

This little guy was calling to me as I was innocently walking by through Cracker Barrel. You don't buy it either eh? Hmm... He was 40% off and came to a grand total of $4.99! I'm not crazy about the sponge so I'll probably end up replacing it but I love this guy.

This find is one of my favorites. My sister gave me the frame years ago, and I just unpacked it from one of our moving boxes. I found this picture that I adore, my sister and I with our beloved grandparents. And sure enough, the picture fit right in! The little home sign I purchased at Goodwill for .99 cents. I have seen the exact same thing up town for $4.99! They now live on my front entrance table.

~ Marcia

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back in the saddle

Well four days have blown by so quickly! Everyone left us on Sunday and yesterday I was just exhausted. I realized rather soon, how I forgot my camera pretty much everywhere we went. Arrgh. But I did manage a couple of snapshots. When my family gets together we loooove to shop! We bargain hunt the best deals we can find. This trip it was for clothes. My sister cleaned house at Carters outlet and Burlington Coat Factory. She bought yoga pants for her reduced down to $1.99! LOVE it!

I got some nice little finds myself. I purchased these shoes, which were regular $39.99, down to $24.99. They are sooooo comfy. I'm glad my sister talked me into it.

I also picked up this cute little top on sale for $7.99! It was so sweet, but something I would've walked right by. My MIL chose it, I tried it on and am in love.

I finally found this little sign. I have been looking for once since I've seen it at Walmart for $11.99. It was to much for me so I waited patiently and finally found one at $4.99! I'm not crazy about the color and may paint it. I plan to hang it over our bed.

But this is by far my absolute favorite! I cried so much when they left, she asked me if I was sick! She speaks in the third person, is funny as heck and makes the house come alive. It is to quiet without her and I miss her sooooo badly. I hate goodbyes. She took over the camera and took a few pictures, this is one of my favorites.

I missed you girls! It's good to be back!! How was your week?

~ Marcia

Monday, June 15, 2009

A busy week ahead!

I hope you had a great weekend! On Saturday we stopped in a random open house to ooh and ahh over its grandeur and decor. Then we headed back for a "movie" night. Sunday we spent at the park, picnicing, and playing games and letting Cinnamon run to her hearts content! (I also snuck chicken pieces off the kabob to share with her, shhh). The park is right around the corner from our place. It has a river that seperates it from the farmers land. We were visited on the other side of the river by some curious donkeys! It was an incredible sight!! Not to many times have I seen donkeys near a public park. I only wish the batteries in my camera worked.

This week is a very busy one for me! Tonight we're having my uncle spend the night then on Wednesday my mom and sister and itty bitty neice are coming to stay with us! Oh and my mom's little dog too! Did I mention we live in a one bedroom apartment? LOL. Not sure how we'll all fit but it'll be fun! I gotta run and get this place spick and span before heading off to work. I hope you girls have a great week. I'll be back soon.

~ Marcia

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Friday Y'all!! Can we say y'all up north? I just like the ring to it, sounds much more inviting and friendly than "you all". Anybody with me? No, well then...moving on. ;)

Thought I'd share a pic of my entrance hall table and the start of it's transformation. I blogged about it a couple of blogs back and just added some of my favorite things.

I added some crocheted wooden words that I purchased online for $5.99 for the whole lot of them! I hung them on the mirror above the table. I wrapped some green and blue ribbon around the wired hangers to coordinate the color of the table.

Then I added my absolute favorite rummage sale find. The crystal hurricane candle that I paid $1.99 for! LOVE it!! It is so beautiful lit. Beside the hurricane candle is a great GW find! Its a little rooster ashtray! We don't smoke and its to small to hold keys so I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but I loved it right away!

Here's how my little table looks so far. It's still a work in progress...Now, I just gotta get rid of all the shoes!

Have a great weekend!

~ Marcia

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A little bit creative

I have stumbled upon so many very creative ladies! I am envious of their abilities to create. But there are things that leave me stumped, like sewing for instance. Or quilting. Both things I would love to learn but fear I have two left hands (instead of feet, get it?) Anyway, I thought I'd share with you one of my creative projects.

My beloved Grandparents met in the theater. Grandpa sang opera while Grandma tickled the ivories. There is a song called, "Because" that Grandpa would sing while my Grandma played the piano. After Grandpa's passing, my uncle put together a compilation of the two of them singing and playing the piano. The photo below is the one he used for the tape's cover. I decided to use this picture and make frames for my sisters and my mom. I made theirs in dark brown and ventured into greens for mine. I prefer theres but I live and learn ;) You can't really tell from the picture but if you click on it you will see I spelt out the word BECAUSE in little metal letters. I wasn't being so smart to use round and square letters, it was because the store had run out!

Wanna share your favorite projects?

~ Marcia

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A lovely home

We live in a tiny little apartment on goregous grounds. We do enjoy it but we do envision ourselves one day living in a home large enough to hold our family and friends. One that does not require air mattresses or sleeping in the living room. LOL. For now it is fabulous, but our dreams lead us to homes like this one. One that oozes charm, one which is so inviting it just calls out to you. We saw this beautiful home on a drive through the countryside last weekend. It has been calling to us.

~ Marcia

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

While out over the weekend I bit the bullet and got my haircut! I am trying to grow it to shoulder length so the cut is a wee bit to short for me but she did a great job! It finally is curling again. Although hubby loving calls it my "mushroom cut". Sigh. But it is hair and it will grow. I will take a pic when its working with me ;) Thanks so much for all your comments. I will definetly try the Fructis Sleek and Shine shampoo! Thank you Mona!

I also want to take a moment to thank Kim over at BellaDella and Cat over at Paisley Cats for all their kindness and patience with my blogging questions! They are some of the sweetest souls I have ever had the pleasure of "meeting".

So today's post. Do you recall my eagerness (whining) in wanting to get a front entrance table? Well over the weekend we stopped into the Christmas Tree Shops. I love love this store! And I found this little darling. I am not sure if it's meant as a front entrance table.

Here's a side view. I like that it isn't that large in depth so it still leaves a lot of room at the entrance.

I did add a little pillow and cross to my black wreath stand. And the basket beside the little table holds Cinnamon's leash and towel. I will add more pics once its all put together. Any ideas what to use the shelves for?

Have a great Tuesday!

~ Marcia

Friday, June 5, 2009

Rainy days and Frizzy Hair

It's been raining daily in my neck of the woods. So much so they called for a flood watch the other night! I looove to fall asleep to the sound of rain. In our little apartment, our patio is right off our bedroom window, so we can sleep with the windows wide open without fear of rain spilling in. Rainy days have me feeling all cocooning, (is that a word?). I love to light candles, play some operatic music (reminds me of my grandpa) and cook. My kitchen is a tiny galley kitchen that I posted about a few posts back, but it works great for me. I love to make my mom's famous spaghetti sauce from scratch and let it sit all day, giving off aromas of onions, olive oil and tomatoes. It is such a welcoming scent. My mom's recipes usually start off with olive oil, chopped onions and garlic. Just that alone smells soooo good. Yum mm, I'm making myself hungry.

Anyway, another reason I am loving the rain is that the humidity is gone! I got a horrible haircut back in March, from a self proclaimed "stylist" that decided, thick hair was a curse and proceeded to cut into my curls with a razor blade! Shocked I tell you, shocked! Where we live now seems to have much more humidity than up North. So, today's post needs your expertise. I am thinking I will need to bite the bullet and get my hair trimmed to help even out the holes "Mr. Stylist" left in my hair. What I do need is some info from you lovely ladies. What are your favorite hair products? How do you keep it from turning into one large frizz ball?

Here's a pic of me and hubby at Disney world back in 2007 where my hair thrived in the humidity there! Which leads me to believe it's in the haircut.

Please excuse the "bangs". I tried to do the side swept look, so not attractive on me. That's my daddy in the back ground on the right. I love how the fireworks are all light up around him.

So that's my hair dilemma. Anything you can suggest would be so appreciated.

Have a great weekend girls!!

~ Marcia

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

A tragedy

I just received word that my brother in law was witness to a horrible car and semi-truck collision. My B.I.L had stopped on the side of the highway and ran to help. What he saw has shaken him to his core. The lovely lady in the car had passed at the scene from her injuries. Unfortunately her daughter had been follwing her in a seperate car and was witness to the whole terrible scene. When my B.I.L reached the car the daughter was naturally hysterical on the phone with 911, holding her mom's head. The driver of the semi-truck was apparently shocked, and crying and very upset as well. It just goes to show that life is but an instant. It reminds me to love without worry, be happy when the mood strikes and say thank you for another day of everyone I love being safe and sound.

Hug the people you hold dear, and be nice to the ones you meet, even if they are snippish or harsh. We don't know what steps their shoes have taken lately.

~ Marcia